Mikhail Gorbachev Autograph Michail Gorbatschov Autogramm
Mikhail Gorbachev (1931-2022), former President of the UdSSR, 'Father' of the Strategy of glasnost and perstroika, ended the Cold War, Nobel Peace Prize 1990, Picture bought at Dreamstime, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Jacinda Ardern Autogramm
Jacinda Ardern, retired Prime Minister of New Zealand (2017-2023), member of the Labour Party, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Kersti Kaljulaid Autogramm
Kersti Kaljulaid, former President of the Republic of Estonia (2016-2021), second youngest President ever, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Klaus Iohannis Autogramm
Klaus Werner Iohannis, President of Romania since 2014, worked as Physics Teacher and was Mayor of Sibiu, Autograph by Mail

Armen Sarkissjan Armenia, former President of Armenia (2018-2022), Professor of Physics at Cambridge, Autograph received when met at Starmus 2019 in Zürich and Picture taken there and received back signed by Mail

Aleksander Kwiatkowski, former President of Poland (1995-2005), was the succesor

of Lech Walesa, Autograph by Mail

Autograph Otto von Habsburg Autogramm
Otto von Habsburg (1912-2011), oldest Son of the last Kaiser of Austria and King of Hungary, Crown Prince of Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Galicia, and Lodomeria, served 22 Years as Member of the European Parlament, Autograph bought with COA
Autograph Kurt Schuschnigg Autogramm
Kurt Schuschnigg (1897-1977), Austrian Chancellor (1934-1934), tried to avoid the Annexion of Austria by Germany with a Referendum, Gestapo imprisoned him in Sachsenhausen, emigrated to the US 1947, Professor University of St. Louis, Autograph bought with COA
Autograph Alexander Van der Bellen Autogramm
Alexander Van der Bellen, President of Austria since 2017, Independent, was a a Professor of Economics at the University of Vienna, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Kofi Annan Autogramm
Kofi Annan (1938 – 2018), Ghanaian diplomat, 7th Secretary General of the United (1997 - 2006), received the Nobel Prize together with the UN for 'their work for a better organized and more peaceful world', Autograph bought
Autogramm Ban Ki-Moon Autograph
Ban Ki-Moon, 8th Secretary General of the United Nations, Autograph bought with COA
Autograph Mark Rutte Autogramm
Mark Rutte, former Premier Minister of Netherland since 2010, leader of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) since 2006, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Natasa Pirc Musar Autogramm
Natasa Pirc Musar, President of Slovenia, independent, Attorney, former President of the Slovenian Red Cross, Autograph via Mail
Autograph Kaja Kallas Autogramm
Kaja Kallas, former Premier Minister Estonia (2021-2024), Lawyer, Member of the European Parlement (2014-2018), Autograph by Mail
Autograph Erna Solberg Autogramm
Erna Solberg, Norway, former Prime Minister 2013-2021, Leader of the Conservative Party since 2004, former Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Xavier Bettel Autogramm
Xavier Bettel, Premier Minister Luxemburg since 2013, member of the Democratic Party, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Stevo Penderovski Autogramm
H. E. Stevo Pendarovski, President of the Republic of North Macedonia, was assistent Professor at the University American College at Skopje, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Petr Pavel Autogramm
Petr Pavel, 4. President of the Czech Republic, former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee and Chief of the General Staff of the Czech Armed Forces, Autograph by Mail
Milos Zeman Autograph Autogramm
Miloš Zeman (1944), 3. President of the Czech Republic (2013-2023), was Prime Minister of the Czech Republic (1998-2002), Autograph by Mail
Autograph Egil Levits Autogramm
Egil Levits, President of Latvia, was Member of the European Court of Justice and Minister of Justice of Latvia, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Krisjanis Karins Autogramm
Krisjanis Karins, Prime MInister of Latvia since 2019, Linguist, former Member of the European Parlament, Autograph by Mial
Autograph Alois von und zu Liechtenstein Autogramm
Hereditary Prince (Erbprinz) Alois von und zu Liechtenstein, Regent of Liechtenstein since 2004, oldest Son of Hans-Adam II Prince of Liechtenstein. Photo taken 2022 in Vaduz, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Gitanas Nauseda Autogramm
Gitanas Nauseda, President of Lithuania since 2019, Autograph by Mail
Autograph George Vella Autogramm
George Vella, President of Malta since 2019, Medical Doctor, Member of the Malta Labour Party, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Janos Ader Autogramm
Janos Ader, President of Hungary since 2012, Member of Fidesz, Lawyer, Autograph by Mail
Autograph Rudolf Schuster Autogramm
Rudolf Schuster, retired, 2nd Slovakian President, Major of Kosice, Autograph by Mail
Christine Lagarde Autograph Autogramm
Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, she was a French Minister and Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Autograph by Mail
Autograph Carlos Moedas Autogramm
Carlos Moedas. Portuguese, Former European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation 2014-2019, Autograph by Mail